How to Prepare For Your Coaching Session

Welcome to Boon!

You may or may not have experience with coaching so we’d like to give you a bit of an overview on what to expect and how to prepare. Your coach will also provide you with some of this information but there are a few things that you can do or become aware of even before your first meeting to set yourself up for success.

Tips and Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Plan to have a quiet space, free of distractions, to meet with your coach

  2. Speaking of distractions, if you are not using your phone for your session, it will be helpful to turn it on silent and put it in a place where you will not be tempted to check it while in your session. If you are using your phone for your session, turn notifications off

  3. Come to your session with an open mind, ready to think in new ways

First Session Flow

Your first session with your coach will begin with introductions and generally getting to know one another. Your coach will then review the structure of sessions (30 minutes each via Zoom / 2x per month) and talk with you about what coaching IS and what it IS NOT (see “Coaching vs. Therapy” below).

Your coach will be interested in hearing about what is going well for you, but also what areas of your life you are looking to improve - whether that be a personal relationship, your performance at work, or managing your own anxiety during these challenging times. You can share what you expect from the coaching relationship but it is okay to not be quite sure yet. Our coaching is completely personalized to your needs, and we here to meet you wherever you are. You and your coach will work together to identify goals based on your needs and pinpoint what steps you can take to begin working towards your goals.

You will leave your first session with at least a few tools to use to address your identified goals and establish the time and date of your next several coaching sessions.

We’re Thrilled to Have You!

We hope you are excited to begin your coaching sessions. You are in great hands with your Boon coach and one step closer to taking the important steps towards the personal and professional growth you seek.

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