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Strategies for Overcoming Stress and Chaos Addiction in Today’s Workplace

Show Notes: Break the Stress Cycle at Work

Guest: Dr. Kimberly Byrd

I know I struggle with stress and chaos addiction at work.

As a CEO, there’s so much I’m responsible for.

So much that I sometimes forget to follow the reasonable, data-backed advice our coaches deliver to customers and clients of Boon every day.

The advice to take some control back, when it comes to reactivity vs. proactivity.

If you feel like your workforce is drowning all day, among the demands to “always be on” at work, this new episode of “Have A Better Day” with Dr. Kimberly Byrd is a must-listen.

To combat burnout on the individual level — and to empower employees to get ahead of it on the organizational level — we often need to make different choices.

In this talk, Kim details:

  • How modern work culture has created an addiction to stress and chaos
  • Strategies for regaining control and setting boundaries — that your people can start using today to combat burnout
  • Why empathy across your employees and managers is key to reducing panic

And so many more takeaways that will surely help you and your people to walk back from this very real problem at so many well-meaning companies.

Feel free to hit me up on LinkedIn to let me know what you think.

– Alex

Other topics covered:

  • How to stop absorbing others’ anxiety
  • Tangible tips to improve well-being, whether remote or in-office
  • When and why to ask questions instead of reacting


00:00 – Introduction

02:21 – Coaching versus Therapy

04:28 – Dr. Kim’s experience with stress addiction

07:55 – Habits and patterns as addictions

10:06 – Stress in the working environment

15:05 – Striving for perfection cycle

18:59 – How to get out of the stress zone

21:55 – Asking questions before responding

26:23 – Three takeaways on how to break stress and chaos

29:29 – Listen to your body to see the signs of crisis

30:35 – Useful advice for the HR leaders

33:05 – Where can people find Kimberly?


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