4 Ways to Practice Gratitude When Feeling Overwhelmed

Cator Sparks

Feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel like nothing is going right? Are you hosting the ultimate pity party? 


Then pause and think of three things you are grateful for.

Gratitude is the super power we all have and, without awareness, often forget to harness. The simple act of being thankful for what we have in this moment can change our perspective tremendously, we simply have to make it a part of our daily routine. 

When we get a sour email from a co-worker or boss, instead of spinning out about it, simply stop and think about what is good in your life. It doesn’t have to be a soul-searching moment, simply what you see around you. I am thankful for my warm cup of coffee, I am thankful for the funny text my friend just sent me, I am thankful I am wearing my favorite sweater. Instantly we can feel lighter, less stressed, and respond to the email with a better mindset. 

There are several ways to practice gratitude.

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  • Keep a gratitude journal.

    • Replace zoning out on Instagram in the morning with writing down five things you are thankful for. This starts the day off on a positive note and keeps you present. It could be as simple as, ‘I am thankful for my comfy sheets, I am thankful for the bird singing outside, I am thankful it’s Friday.’ 

  • Gratitude can be a great thing to share with a friend.

    • Is there someone you miss connecting with and want to start a gratitude daily text, email or even video chat with? Ask them if they would be up to the challenge and this can be a new, fun way to connect to friends or family and learn more about them in the process. 

  • Simply saying ‘Thank you’ and meaning it.

    • We often dash around too busy to acknowledge when someone does something nice for us. Really stop and focus on the barista who made your favorite coffee and offer a warm thank you. (i.e. get off your phone!). Acknowledge an intern or a security guard with a warm thanks or simply a hello. These small moments of human interaction can bring lightness and connection to our often-chaotic day. 

  • Try to avoid negative news, depressing or violent films and TV.

    • While we certainly don’t want to live in a bubble, we don’t have to let it consume us 24/7, especially right before bed.

Once you get into the flow of practicing gratitude, you should notice a shift in your day-to-day interactions and overall mood. Working with a life coach is a great way to be held accountable in the practice as well as someone you can connect with to talk out frustrating situations and oftentimes see a different, positive perspective. 


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