Here we grow.

Boon’s personalized 1:1 coaching platform is ready to transform your team, personally and professionally. Our data-driven approach leads to more productive teams and talent that stays.

Coaching at scale

The one-stop personal and professional growth tool for people leaders around the world

Our current offerings include:

  • 1:1 Personalized Coaching

  • Group Coaching

  • Company-wide Seminars and Workshops

  • Executive Coaching

…and so much more

A Benefit Your Team Will Actually Use and Love

After six months of Boon coaching, partner companies experienced:

50% decrease in employee turnover

30% employee utilization

(10x more than traditional EAP utilization)

85% of users experienced an increase in resilience

95% employee satisfaction rate

Customers are saving $3 for every dollar spent on Boon from employee turnover alone.

Boon is trusted by more than 80 leading organizations and their people.

Case Study

A Trusted Employee Growth Tool That Delivers Tangible ROI

Hear directly from Brandlive, an emerging tech company, as their employees share personal growth stories and how Boon has played a role in guiding their mental well-being journey on a personal and professional level.

personal, professional, and everything in-between

Boon coaches are ready to help your employees face the greatest challenges in today’s workforce (and world):

Let's Build A Resilient World Together

Let's Build A Resilient World Together ✦

How it Works

A Step-By-Step Timeline