Boon Turns 4!

Alex Simmons, Founder

Boon turns 4 today.

I recently had my second kid a few months ago. But my wife and I joke that Boon was our first baby.

Founders out there, I’m sure you can relate.

In May 2020, we set out with a bold vision to revolutionize the way businesses support their employees' mental well-being through personalized coaching at scale.

Interestingly, in a time where mental health was brought more and more to the forefront throughout COVID, our customers continued to see Boon LESS as a mental health resource, and more as a professional growth tool.

I love to describe Boon as sitting at the intersection between mental well-being and professional development, or “performance management for the whole human.”

I'm incredibly proud of how far we've come and I could have never imagined the ways in which our value prop would evolve.

We now partner with over 100 businesses across 30 countries, offering support through a network of 200+ ICF-Accredited coaches. Our model of supporting the whole human represents the future of coaching, and growing your people in the workplace more broadly.

A few reflections that will continue to shape Boon and the employee growth landscape in the years to come:

1. The Integration of Mental Well-being and Skill Development

I’m stressed and anxious daily. Most of that has to do with my concerns around managing my team more effectively, navigating a difficult conversation, am I good leader, etc.

Most employees have their own version of that story.

Our clients are no longer viewing personal and professional skill development as separate entities. Boon has pioneered an integrated delivery model that address both aspects simultaneously, leading to more holistic employee development.

Prediction: Vendor consolidation is everywhere. Companies will continue to seek integrated solutions that address the full spectrum of employee needs, recognizing that mental well-being is foundational to professional growth.

2. Extension of People Ops / L&D Across All Phases of the Employee Experience

Boon has become the right arm of People Ops and L&D teams across all phases of the employee lifecycle, from recruiting and onboarding to manager development, retention and exit.

This comprehensive support ensures employees receive consistent and personalized attention at every stage.

Prediction: Companies will increasingly adopt models that provide seamless HR support throughout the entire employee journey, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.

3. AI is here in a big way

We’ve already started to see the wide-ranging possibilities of the potential impact of AI on coaching. From hyper-personalized coaching experiences to more refined customer insights and recommendations, we are seeing endless use cases for how AI can benefit the customer growth journey.

Prediction: The use of AI in employee support will become more sophisticated, enabling companies to address challenges before they become critical, thus maintaining a healthier and more productive workforce.

4. It all starts with the managers

Leadership development is no longer a one-size-fits-all approach.

At Boon, we've customized leadership programs to cater to the diverse needs of leaders at different stages of their careers, fostering more effective and empathetic leadership.

And if you are thinking about starting to invest in these kinds of resources for your people, managers are the place to start. Their ripple effect across the org is massive.

Prediction: Tailored leadership development programs will be critical in cultivating leaders who can adapt to the evolving needs of their teams and organizations.

5. Shift from “wellness” to “how can I get the most out of my people?”

We are no longer in zirp-era times of “what is the latest and greatest wellness benefit that I bring into our laundry list of benefits?”

Conversations have shifted towards what is actually impacting bottom line.

Are my people actually using this? And is it actually demonstrating positive ROI?

Boon's approach has deeply resonated with customers, as we are consistently the most higly leveraged benefit at the org and are showing tangible improvements in productivity / ability to lead more effectively.

Prediction: We will see a continued scrutiny on P&L impact, with an increased focus on holistic employee support, integrating personal and professional development to drive overall success.

6. Embracing the Power of Community

Community-building within organizations is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and support.

Has never been more true in this remote / hybrid world so many companies are operating in.

Boon has been instrumental in creating communities where employees can share experiences and grow together.

Prediction: The future of employee growth will increasingly focus on creating strong, supportive communities within workplaces, enhancing collaboration and collective well-being.

7. The Boon Effect is Stronger than Ever

Our clients frequently highlight the significant impact Boon has on their organizations.

From improved productivity and resilience to enhanced employee retention and culture, the "Boon Effect" is undeniable.

Prediction: As we continue to integrate deeply with HR teams and provide more dynamic personalized growth experiences for employees, the Boon Effect will become widely recognized as a benchmark for organizational success.

I'm filled with so much pride and gratitude for our dedicated team and the incredible clients we serve. We are only scratching the surface of what's possible, and I'm more optimistic than ever about Boon's future and our potential to drive meaningful change in the workplace.


Schedule a Demo to learn more about how coaching can help you better manage your time.  



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