How Leaders Can Navigate the New Norm

Stacey Guith, ACC

In the beginning of the pandemic, an overwhelming 94% of employees complained of work-related stress. Now with another phase of workplace change such as return to office talks, companies are seeing more uncertainty and increased anxiety for employees. 

What role can leaders play in helping employees navigate these times of change? How does re-entry impact your employee(s)?

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Initial Steps:

  • Initiate the first step and lead with clear and intentional communication to teams and other stakeholders. 

  • Talk with other leaders and HR about expectations around a return to the office.

  • Have conversations to understand organizational flexibility. (Broad or vague organizational announcements about a return to work are not enough and can drive further feelings of uncertainty leading to stress.)

Speak to Team Members:

Engage team members at the individual level around how a return to the office is making your employees feel and what concerns they may have during this time of change. Initiating the conversation can lead to meaningful dialogue and allow your employees to be heard. Get to know your team members as the individuals they are. Evidence suggests this will lead to more psychological safety in the work environment having a positive impact on employee development and retention. 

Representative of New Normal or Uncertainty?

Some leaders are hesitant to have conversations around topics they know are controversial or can lead to an employee disclosing information of a personal nature. Rather than avoiding these topics, think about what you need to feel confident in having them including how to handle when your employee discloses a mental health condition

Uncertainty, driven by a lack of clear communication, can lead to increased stress and anxiety of employees. Clear expectations, timelines, and communication around a return to office can help to diminish this uncertainty allowing employees to feel more in control. Understanding the needs of your team members and the impact of change is critical to managing effectively.

Think of Your Role as the Team Leader:

What would you like to convey to your team as their leader?  What positive experiences can you reflect on as you navigate workplace re-entry during the pandemic? Can you be creative and resourceful as you consider how to structure the best re-entry plan, impacting positive change to the culture, morale and retention?

Some things to consider when speaking to your employees:

  • What meaningful conversations can you have about the return to work with your employees and team to diminish a feeling of uncertainty?

  • What have you learned about team members during the pandemic as well as takeaways of better ways of working? 

  • What motivates each of your employees? 

  • What challenges does a return to office pose for certain employees?

  • What changes are in your control to boost culture, collaboration, morale & retention?

We are all experiencing yet another time of uncertainty. It may be helpful to sort through your leadership goals and how best to speak with confidence around returning to work. Want to learn more about how Boon Health works with organizations to achieve results?


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