Journaling Tips for Stress (an exercise) for Stress Awareness Month

Cator Sparks, Boon Coach

Stress is a part of life we all must deal with. From current events, finances, work, and relationships, it creeps into all facets of our lives. While it’s a common problem, so many of us simply stew in it instead of process it. How many co-workers have you heard drone on about the same problem for weeks and months? While there are many ways to relieve stress, from yoga, to therapy and coaching (ahem!), journaling can be a simple, easy, and free way to deal with it. Writing can be a wonderful way to organize your thoughts and feelings about a situation. We can have them all swirling around in our head, but once they are on paper, they are a little easier to identify, process, and even release.

Journaling Preparation

If this is going to be part of your routine, you must set aside time every day to do it. First thing in the morning? Right before bed? On your morning commute? Once you find the time that is right, add it to your calendar. Then of course buy a journal! Try to avoid using your phone, computer, tablet as there are so many distractions there. Buy a paper journal and keep it next to your bed. Go wild and buy a special pen just to use for journaling. It’s the little things.


Here are a few exercises you can try: 


A gratitude journal is an uplifting way to start the day. Instead of focusing on all the stress that you may have in a day, kick off your morning with positive thoughts. These don’t have to be big, deep, emotional thoughts and things. They can be simple:

·       I am thankful for the warm cup of coffee in my hand.

·       I am thankful for my dog snuggling next to me.

·       I am thankful I am seeing a movie with my best friend on Friday.

Keep it light, keep it simple, keep it uplifting, and start your day with a smile.



Sometimes we just need to get something down on paper to understand it and work through it. If you didn’t get a raise, write about it. How did that make you feel? Who would you like to talk about it? Why do you think you didn’t get it? Let it all out!


Sometimes we need a little help finding something to write about. If you don’t have a big stress that day, first off, congratulations, but find something else to focus on. Prompts are wonderful as they can spark the memory and imagination. Some ideas include:

·       My favorite memory from childhood

·       Where do I want to be in one year?

·       If I had a magic wand I would….

Remember, this is just for you, so it can be messy, the spelling can be off, and nobody else is going to read it. Relish this ‘me time’ and see what comes up, what comes out, and how it helps you release the stress to be your best.


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