Seven Holiday Travel Tips to Keep COVID Anxiety at Bay

Cator Sparks, Boon Coach

With vaccinations on the rise and even an anti-viral pill in the works, Covid is still a threat and can cause great anxiety. The term, ‘reentry anxiety’ is trending for obvious reasons. Add to that the madness of the holiday travel season and we all need a good moment of meditation.

After a year of not visiting friends and family, this year many are thinking of making the trek. But what precautions should they take?

Here are a few tips to help employees weigh their options from traveling or simply Zooming into another family gathering.

  • Have the hard discussion about vaccinations. It may not be a fun discussion, but if you are worried about being around unvaccinated friends and/or family, ask them if they are vaccinated before you start planning your trip. Once you know the answer, then you can gage your comfort factor with the visit.

  • If the idea of being around big groups is overwhelming, start practicing before your trip. Visit to the mall in your mask and see how you feel being around crowds. Try eating indoors at your favorite restaurant so you can feel more at ease when out with the whole family when traveling.

  • If you do decide to travel, bring your vaccination card. If booking flights, especially international, check and see what the requirements are. Some European countries are requiring a PCR test 48 hours before your flight. Even while traveling in America, some cities are requiring a card to enter restaurants, event venues and hotels.

  • Flying or Driving? While we hear that airplanes are safe, the thousands of people crammed into the security lines and restaurants may be a shock to some after over a year of social distancing. Driving may be the best bet if your destination isn’t too far. Plus, a road trip can make this year’s holiday a memorable one with loved ones.

  • Avoid the ‘What ifs’ and just stay present. We can all create a dooms day scenario if we let our saboteurs run wild! Stop, breath, and focus on how you feel in the moment.

  • Of course, if you aren’t feeling well, don’t travel. Rapid COVID tests are now widely available at pharmacies and grocery stores.

  • Finally, if employees are feeling stuck in their decision making, speak to a life coach. They can help them discuss different perspectives, options and feel more confident in the decision they make.


Happy Holidays!






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